Just So You Know, It’s Not Always What You Think You Know 

Just So You Know, It’s Not Always What You Think You Know 

The person you just looked at with unbrushed hair as you walked down the street… just found out her mum has cancer.

The person you sat next to on the train… her husband just cheated on her.

The person in the elevator who refused to smile at you… just got fired.

The person who didn’t hold the door open for you and you got mad… tried to end their life last night.

The person who cut you off in peak hour… is rushing home to take their child to the hospital.

The person who pushed their way in front of the line…is going home to care for their sick parent.

The person who won’t say “yes“ to the date… just got raped. 

The person who snapped at you for no reason… is on the verge of a panic attack.

The person who you looked at and thought “they shouldn’t be wearing that”… took them over an hour to build up the confidence to leave the house.

The person who won’t drive and took a taxi to go 5 minutes up the road… lost a loved one in a car accident.

The person at work who has no social skills… had an alcoholic mother and their dad left when they were three.

The person who refuses to hold your hand… was sexually assaulted.

The person who is scared to eat in public… has an eating disorder.

The person who doesn’t want to look at pictures of your children… can’t have her own.

The person you are next to could be doing everything they can to hold themselves together.

Every single day, we all wake up and all we want to do is our best… sadly, most of those days can be turned upside down by the un-welcomed opinions, stares and judgements from others.

Instead of a stare, turn it into a smile, instead of turning your back, open out your hand, instead of laughing, make sure they have been laughing that day too…

We spend so much time thinking we know everything that is going on, jumping to conclusions and not being open to other possibilities. 

But, the truth is, there is always so much more to the story, every single person on this earth has a story, they couldn’t currently be living in the worst chapter of their whole life right now and we have no idea. 

They could be doing everything they can to hold on, to not fall apart, to not end it… they could just be trying to survive. 

We have all either been that person, or we know someone who has been that person and sometimes all it takes is for someone just to be kind to get us through that day.

A kind person to show us some light, give us some hope, keep us moving… don’t be the reason that their day could go the opposite way.

Being kind is such a blessing, life is already so short, it’s already filled with so much heartache and pain… you could be the one and you CAN be the one to make a difference.

Be aware, be open, be kind, be free and spread love, always.

carlylala x

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